By 28-08-2014
onTraveling on a Greek ferry is a new experience by itself for many visitors. Although some Greek islands also have regional airports, the majority of tourists choose to board on a ferry and experience sea traveling in Greece. Here are our top 5 things to have in mind when traveling on Greek ferry.
#1 Be early at the port, but not too early
Generally, ferry companies and travel agencies advise passengers to be at the port about 1 hour before the ferry departure. If you have the ferry tickets at hand, then it is pretty fine to be at the port about 30 min before the departure time. If you have bought the ferry tickets online and now you need to print them at the port kiosk, then better go about an hour earlier at the port to have spare time in case there are many passengers.
#2 Be prepared for a hassle ferry boarding
Unfortunately ferry boarding can be a little chaotic in Greece, especially in popular routes during high season (July and August). There is rarely any priority in pregnants, elderly or kids, and people just stand on a queue, give the tickets at the collectors and enter the ferry. At this point of the procedure, especially in the port of Piraeus, have your eyes open for pickpocketers.
#3 Last minute delays could happen
Although delays are not a rule, last minute delays could happen, especially in high season, when passengers are more in number. This is why you are generally advised to avoid tight traveling schedules, if possible. For example, it would not be a good idea to have only a couple of hours between your ferry arrival in Athens and the flight back home. Better have many hours in between, just to be sure. Last minute changes are not pleasant but could happen.
#4 Deck will be your favorite place
Even if you have booked a salon or air seat in your Greek ferry, you will probably spend the largest part of your ferry trip at the deck, especially if the trip is in day time. This way you will have the chance to gaze at the open sea and check out the Greek islands on your way. However, you are suggested to book air seats anyway, so that you have a personal seat when you do not want to be outside. Salon seats are not personally booked and passengers seat wherever it is empty.
#5 High prices at the bar
Prices at the Greek ferry bars are generally higher than prices in normal cafeterias. Just have this in mind in order to avoid any unpleasant occasion. You can estimate about 50% more than normal prices in coffees, snacks and refreshment drinks. Only the price of bottled water is kept in normal scale, following law regulation.